
Other Services

Authorised Person (AP)


Health Technical Services Ltd can provide AP(MGPS) support for your Trust’s peace of mind. These services can include site attendance for meetings, attending project planning meetings, and being on site to write out permits and supervise works as required. We can provide an ‘On-Call’ service for out of hours emergency works, or planned works. We would attend the site to familiarise ourselves with the systems layout, before any works are undertaken.

Health Technical can also provide support and training to your Engineers until they are experienced and confident enough to take on the responsibilities of the AP for the site.


Site Survey for As-Fitted drawings


It is a legal requirement for all pressure systems to have as-fitted drawings of the installation, this includes Piped Medical Gases. Many Trusts have not been able to maintain these records as changes are made to the systems. Health Technical have provided this service for a number of Trusts, we do an intrusive survey (where physically possible) to confirm all pipe routes, commenting on any condition issues, we then provide As-Fitted Computer Aided Design (CAD) drawings for your Medical Gas Systems.

Operational Policies


Health Technical can provide a suitable Policy document as required by the Health Technical Memorandum (HTM), the policy will be tailored to your Trust.

Maintenance Specifications


Health Technical can visit your site and provide you with a bespoke Maintenance Specification to enable you to go to tender for your maintenance contract. This will include all the site assets and be tailored to suit your Trust. If required we can also assist with the selection process to ensure the correct contractor is chosen.

Signage Advice


Many Trusts struggle to provide the correct signage for their installation and cylinder storage. Health Technical can undertake a full audit and provide advice on how to comply with the HTM requirements

Cylinder Management Audits


Many Community hospitals, Care Homes and Hospices do not have piped Medical Gas installations. Medical Gas is then provided by cylinders. These need to be handled and maintained correctly to remain safe. Health Technical can provide a full audit and offer advice on how to manage these safely and be compliant.

Health Technical also provide cylinder safety training, for Porters, Healthcare Assistants and Clinical staff. This training is a statutory requirement for all who handle medical gas cylinders in any form.

Hospice and Care Home Audits


Health Technical provide management audits, condition surveys and all training for all healthcare properties.

This includes all NHS and private sector facilities as well.

Authorised Person
Annual Managment Audits
Medical Gas Training